Montessori VS Traditional Education

Montessori Education Traditional Education
Based on helping the natural development of the human being. Based on the delivery of set texts and materials governed by a State Department.
Children learn at their own pace and follow their own individual interest. Children learn from set text books within a defined time frame that is the same for everyone.
Children teach themselves using materials and activities specifically prepared for that purpose. Children are taught by a teacher at the front of a room speaking to a group.
Child is an active participant in learning. Child is a passive participant in learning.
Understanding comes through the child’s own experiences from using the materials and the promotion of children’s ability to find things out for themselves. Learning is based on subjects and is limited to what the teacher knows and is able to teach within the education department guidelines.
Learning is based on the fact that physical exploration and cognition are linked. Children sit at desks and learn from a whiteboard and worksheets.
Children work at a speed where they are comfortable. They can move around the room and learn from the teacher and other students. Child is usually assigned a chair and ordered to sit still and listen during group sessions.
The teacher works in collaboration with the children and older children are encouraged to teach the younger children. The class is led by the teacher. Children are not allowed to communicate with one another during class hours.
The child’s individual development brings its own reward and therefore motivation and inspiration. Motivation is achieved by a system of rewards and punishment.
Environment and method encourage internal self-discipline. Teacher acts as primary enforcer of external discipline.
Child works for as long as they wish on a chosen project. Child is generally given specific time limit for work.
Uninterrupted work cycles Block time , Period lessons
Mixed age groups, varying degrees of competency amongst the group. Same age groups, children of similar competency grouped together.
Working and learning matched to the social development of the child. Working and learning without emphasis on the social development of the child.
Shared emphasis on intellectual, social, emotional and spiritual development. Main emphasis on intellectual development.
Shared focus on the acquisition of academic, social, practical and life skills. Main focus on academics