Montessori Pathways now promotes water safety and swimming lessons for your children, Lessons are conducted at the Goodna Aquatic centre by qualified Swimming Instructors in conjunction with our staff. Our staff are also qualified in First aid and CPR giving you peace of mind when it comes to water and young children.
The cost per child for a 30 minute lesson is $10.00, inclusive of their transportation to and from the pool. We strictly limit class sizes to 4 children per lesson so the child gets the full benefit of learning in a safe environment.
Swimming lessons are only available for children between the ages of 3 – 5 years. We also advise parents to send children to daycare with their towel, togs , goggles, swim cap clearly labelled with an extra plastic bag to send wet items home in.
We welcome all parents and grand parents to pop on down to the Goodna Aquatic Centre on allocated swimming days to watch their child / children or grand children participate in learning to swim.
As class sizes are limited please book your child / children in prior to the swimming lesson on the Monday. The $10.00 swimming fee must be paid upfront at all times so it is fair for all children to get the opportunity to swim.